The Mountain Center's
Transitional Living Program in New Mexico
The purpose of the TLP is to offer a trauma-informed, substance-free transitional living space for women recovering from substance use disorders.
At The Mountain Center, we’re able to meet the needs of women in recovery and explore how to balance the demands of life with the goal of long-term recovery. We work to reintegrate our clients back into the community with new self-awareness and stronger coping skills. We do this through our Intensive Outpatient therapy (IOP), case management services, relapse prevention, health & wellness activities, and other group programming.
The Mountain Center's TLP is the “place between” residential programs and communities that may not be recovery-friendly enough to support certain stages of a woman’s recovery journey. Our program can provide services to a limited number of women who bring a child with them to treatment, and provides parenting classes to all of our clients with children.
The house is located in the village of Pena Blanca, off I-25 just south of Santa Fe, New Mexico. It’s a beautiful, newly renovated residence located next to a historic church.

The Program
Our residence provides structure and support to assist women in establishing a stable, health-oriented, positive lifestyle. The Mountain Center's TLP provides safe housing, Intensive Outpatient therapy, health & wellness programming, as well as access to our Therapeutic Adventure Programming (TAP). Our experienced staff serves as a valuable resource to our residents in their journey to a new life.
Our target population is women with diagnosed substance disorders who require additional structure and support from a residential setting in order to transition successfully into the community. The typical length of stay is 3 months but we can consider longer stays. We specialize in serving mothers and pregnant women.
The Mountain Center TLP has a contractual relationship with the New Mexico Corrections Department for a limited number of slots in the program. We also accept women under the supervision of Parole and Probation provided they meet eligibility criteria. Our staff can provide necessary reports to supervisory agencies and can provide assessment and testing by special arrangement.
We also welcome women with co-occurring mental health conditions of mild to moderate severity, provided they are well-controlled, including the use of medication. We will assist residents in obtaining mental health services including medication monitoring, based on assessed needs.
The IOP portion of our program is conducted by experienced licensed therapists to assist residents in meeting their recovery goals. Services include assessment, treatment and discharge planning, group and individual sessions, recovery education, and referral to other services, including medical and mental health care. Our dedicated Case Manager supports all of the services that take place at our facility and ensures all residents leave with a comprehensive discharge plan.

Make A Referral
Whether you’re a referral agency or individual, a prospective resident, or a family member, you can contact us by phone between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Admissions are pre-arranged, by appointment only. The referral process includes the completion of several important tasks such as a medical authorization for care and generally takes a few days to complete. The Mountain Center's TLP staff are happy to assist where needed.
For information or to make a referral please call (505) 465-2040 or email us at